Our catalogue
Discover our collection of bookplates, carefully designed to give your books a unique identity. Each model in our catalogue can be personalized with your name, surname, or initials. Our designs are regularly updated with new creations throughout the year. Each new series is inspired by various themes: animals, nature, a passion for reading, seasons, etc. It’s the perfect opportunity to add a special touch to your books while discovering our latest creations.
Discover the recently added models in our catalogue.
Our collections
This catalogue invites you to explore our personalizable models, bookplates carefully crafted to leave a mark on your books. Explore our current collections, where each design tells a story inspired by themes as diverse as nature, animals, reading, or the seasons. Whether you are passionate about wildlife, literature, or landscapes, each design is created to bring elegance and character to your books. You will find a variety of styles and themes here, allowing you to choose a bookplate that suits you.
For those seeking a truly unique model, we also offer custom bookplates, created according to your specific preferences and needs.
Discover our page dedicated to custom bookplates.
Our editorial line
Our creations are original works protected by European copyright laws. Combining refinement and modernity, our bookplates feature clean lines, natural elements, and motifs inspired by both classical and contemporary art. Each design reflects our passion for literature, graphic art, and attention to detail. We prioritize elegance, simplicity, and poetry in designs that respect the tradition of ex-libris while adding a contemporary dimension. Each piece becomes a timeless work of art, perfectly fitting into the personal universe of the reader, adding authenticity and beauty to their books.
How are our bookplates made?
Each bookplate is a miniature work of art, carefully designed and crafted in our workshop in Barcelona. All our bookplates are created using artisanal techniques that prioritize precision and detail. We use photogravure to achieve highly refined designs and ensure their durability. Each creation is engraved on high-quality photopolymer and mounted on a carefully selected wooden handle. This process, which combines traditional craftsmanship with modern technologies, allows us to create refined and durable bookplates.